Discover the power of Inventory Sales Cloud!

B2B Inventory and Sales Management

Watch this 2-minute video to learn how we can benefit your business.


We are wholesale merchants who needed a solution.

So we built it.

Inventory Sales Cloud is a platform for inventory and sales management, specifically designed to help wholesalers and distributors automate processes and boost revenue, improving the connection between inventory and customers, minimizing the need for human interaction without requiring a significant investment.

It’s a real-time B2B inventory management system connected with a website sales platform. Your customers can place orders, check live inventory, view order details, and even purchase incoming inventory not yet in the warehouse. Integrated with QuickBooks, generating an invoice is as simple as a click. It’s all connected — one software providing two essential functions. This platform is designed to empower you in controlling your warehouse and maximizing your sales.

Inventory Sales Cloud (ISC) Key Features

Order Management

Create and receive customer orders;

Generate bulk customer orders using spreadsheet upload;

Simple click QuickBooks invoicing;

Provide live status notifications to the warehouse and customers;

Receive and manage offers/bids.

Inventory Management

Manage inventory per SKU, Location, Brand, Condition, Categories, and Attributes.

Manage and notify customers of new incoming inventory;

Enable customers to make purchases before goods arrive in the warehouse.

Fulfillment Management

Generate pick lists for order fulfillment;

Print packing slips including box number assignment;

Report packaging dimensions and weight for shipping integration;

Upload shipping labels or connect with ShipStation.

Quickbooks integration

With ISC, generating invoices with QuickBooks has never been easier. With our automatic integration, all you need is a click—no need to even open QuickBooks. Our system synchronizes customers, products, and prices, generates the invoice, and downloads it back to your order management. Customers also have access to the invoice on the website sales portal. It’s that easy.

Website Sales Platform – Customer Experience

Access to live inventory;

Export inventory to a spreadsheet;

Allow customers to submit offers;

Allow customers to place orders;

Customer access to order details, invoices, packing slips, and more.

Customize Website Back-end Content

Customize your sales platform without the need for an IT expert

ISC Detailed Capability

  • Set inventory by category and subcategories
  • Create multiples attributes
  • Create bulk pricing and custom kitting
  • Allow incoming inventory to be reserved or purchased prior to stocking
  • Establish multiple warehouses & locations, actual and virtual
  • Set SKU availability by customer group (overseas, wholesaler, online, retail)
  • Export inventory to excel
  • Create reports and visibility options for inventory and activity

  • Create price levels by customer group
  • Check customer order history
  • Add custom notes about last conversation
  • Assign customer to salesperson
  • Allow customer to follow products, categories and brands.

Enable web customer access and order entry.

Set order processing and fulfillment parameters/defaults.

Generate one-click invoices with QuickBooks integration.

Allow the warehouse to pick orders using a picking list, assign products to pallets and boxes, and generate packing lists for customers.

Find order history based on SKU.

  • Completely configurable access for employees and customers, with customizable limitations and control.
  • Cloud based system makes upgrades and changes fast and simple.
  • Automatically generate reports and data feeds/integration to other systems.
  • Initial configuration and technical support is included in the subscription


You are never alone!

ISC Pricing

Client Subscription Platinum

ISC New Customer Subscription

Month to month subscription 14 day free trial - no credit card needed


  • 5 Hours of configuration & set-up support during initial starter period
  • Free technical support
  • Unlimited users
  • Unlimited SKUs
  • Unlimited orders management

* See license agreement and pricing disclosure for complete terms and conditions.


Simultaneous Users: Question: How many users can I use simultaneously?

Answer: Unlimited

Inventory Transfer Time: Question: How long does it take to transfer my inventory to ISC?

Answer: Around 5 hours

Free Website: Question: Does it come with a free website?

Answer: Yes, you will receive a full warehouse system with a complete website, all integrated.

Extra Fees: Question: Is there any extra fee?

Answer: No, you only pay the monthly subscription. However, it’s important to note that if you require more than 5 hours of work or custom features, an additional fee will apply.

Commitment: Question: Is there any commitment?

Answer: No commitment, you can cancel your subscription anytime.

Free Trial: Question: Is there a free trial?

Answer: Yes, you have a 30-day free trial.

QuickBooks Integration: Question: Is it integrated with QuickBooks?

Answer: Yes, you can connect your QuickBooks account with ISC. Once connected, you can generate invoices with one click, and products and customers will be synchronized.

Shipstation Integration: Question: Is it integrated with Shipstation?

Answer: Yes, you can connect your Shipstation account, and all orders will go to Shipstation.

System Access Time: Question: How long does it take to get access to the system?

Answer: Once you complete the subscription, you will receive a user guide and automatically have access to the platform. Within 48 hours, a representative will call you and help configure your warehouse and store.

Credit Card Requirement: Question: Do I need a credit card?

Answer: Yes, a credit card is needed to complete your subscription, but no charge will be made until the end of your 30-day free trial. If you don’t cancel your subscription within 30 days, you will be charged the monthly subscription, and your account will be fully active.

Refund Policy: Question: If I decide to cancel, can I request a refund for the remaining days not used?

Answer: The subscription is month-to-month, and we do not offer a refund for an active month.

Free Domain: Question: Does the platform come with a free domain?

Answer: No, you need to buy your own domain name.

Customer Support: Question: Is there customer support available?

Answer: Yes, we offer free customer service through email and phone, Monday to Friday 9 am to 6 pm.

Website Customization: Question: Can I customize the appearance of my website?

Answer: Yes, you have the flexibility to customize the look and data of your website.

Product Management Limit: Question: Is there a limit on the number of products I can manage?

Answer: No, there is no limit on the number of products you can manage within the system.

Data Security: Question: How secure is the system for storing sensitive data?

Answer: We prioritize the security of your data. The system employs AWS to safeguard sensitive information.

Data Export: Question: Can I export my data from the system if needed?

Answer: Yes, you can export your data in Excel for backup or external use.

Training Availability: Question: Is training available for using the platform effectively?

Answer: Yes, we provide 5 hours free of one-on-one training to help you make the most of the platform’s features.

Product Restrictions: Question: Are there any restrictions on the types of products I can sell on my website?

Answer: In general, there are no restrictions. However, it’s advisable to review our policies/terms of service to ensure compliance.

Picking orders with IMEI and Serial number

Using Inventory Sales Cloud is simple and efficient. Watch the video and see how it works.

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